Child Care Quality & Accessibility
- Increase child care capacity in Lane County
- Reduce growth barriers for existing child care businesses
- Support the launch of new child care businesses
- Increase awareness around importance of quality child care and address challenges unique to the sector

- Partner with Lane SBDC and Quality Care Connections at LCC to launch, grow, and sustain the Early Child Care Business Accelerator program.
- Partner with Child Care Resource and Referral agencies across the state to launch Child Care Works for Oregon, a statewide media campaign.
- Elevate and promote promising partnerships between employers and child care providers that increase child care access through combinations of facility space, capital, subsidized rent, general operating support, and access to priority child care slots.
- Develop business mentoring and other tools for struggling child care businesses or child care businesses looking to expand.
- Educate employers about employer-based child care benefits and strategies
- Increase cultural responsivity to child care by focusing on BIPOC providers, culturally specific organizations, and linguistically diverse providers.
- Advocate for public policy and investments that support child care providers and families.